Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Afton Bloxham's Meatloaf

You could say that when I was growing up I never met a meatloaf that I liked. But, sometimes, you get older and tastes change, thank goodness. This succulent and savory meatloaf was served at a church dinner about a year ago. ... I can say this is a memorable dish because this week I made three calls trying to find the recipe. I tracked it down. Darlene Muzzy of John Day had a copy of this gem which Afton Bloxham, also a resident of John Day, had given her. Thank you ladies!

Afton she said she clipped this out of a Montana Livestock newspaper several years ago. I’m so glad she did! The meat turns out perfectly and the sauce – I can’t get enough of the sauce. When I make it again I will make extra, separately, heat it up and serve it on the side.

Afton suggests you double the recipe, which I agree with – you will have more to feed the troops later (or sooner) or share with a friend.

Meatloaf Ingredients:
(for one meatloaf)
2/3 C. soda cracker crumbs (13-14 crackers)
1 C. milk
1 1/2 lbs. ground beef
2 beaten eggs
1/4 C. grated onion
1 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. pepper
1/2 tsp. sage

Preheat oven to 350 F. In a mixing bowl, soak crumbs in milk, add other ingredients. Mix well. Lightly grease a bread pan. Form meatloaf in pan, cover with sauce before baking. Cover with foil during the last 15 minutes of baking.

Meatloaf Sauce:
3 Tbsp. brown sugar
1/4 C. catsup
1/4 tsp. nutmeg
1 tsp. dry mustard

Angel’s tip: This meatloaf also works well with wild game hamburger, and I added a clove of garlic, chopped.