Monday, January 4, 2010

Rozanne Mullin’s Chocolate Covered Cherries

This is one of Rozanne’s Christmas traditions that everyone in the family looks forward to!

Place maraschino cherries on a cookie sheet, or other surface that will fit in your freezer, so that they are not touching. Freeze for a few hours or overnight. In a crock pot melt in equal parts milk chocolate chips and chocolate almond bark.
Dip cherries in chocolate mixture using a toothpick, skewer or a small size knitting hook (don’t laugh - a cherry on a hook like that doesn’t fall off!). If you have a knitting hook you’ll also want a toothpick to carefully slide the cherry off and onto wax paper or foil.
Let them set up and enjoy! Be sure to make a few extra!
(If you don’t plan on making too many, you could try melting the chocolate mixture - break up the chocolate almond bark - in the microwave. Try heating it for one minute, then stop and stir every 30 seconds so it doesn’t overcook.)

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