Thursday, January 26, 2012

Just-Like-Jamba-Juice Smoothies

Here are six ways to have your fruit! My sister-in-law Rachel Carpenter of John Day invited our family to her home recently and she prepared several kinds of smoothies for a dessert. They are replicas of Jamba Juice smoothies. The first recipe in the line up, Mango-licious (left), is one that Rachel created herself. I tried it and have to say, the yum factor is sensational! I’ll be gathering up ingredients to try all the recipes!

If you’d like to share your favorite dish on the Angel’s Kitchen blog, please email your recipe to and, if possible, a photo of the food. Thanks!


12 oz. Orange-Peach Mango frozen juice, prepared
1 C. mango, chopped and frozen
1/2 frozen banana sliced
2 scoops orange sherbet

Chop mango and slice banana and freeze ahead of time. Prepare the Orange-Peach Mango juice (The Dole brand is available in the freezer section). Combine ingredients in blender and mix on high speed until smooth. If the mixture is too thick, add more juice - too thin, add more sherbet. Makes one large serving or two small.

Fruit Blast

12 oz. passion-mango juice
2 scoops pineapple sherbet
2/3 C. frozen whole strawberries
1/2 banana, sliced and frozen

Prepare as above.


1 1/2 C. fresh orange juice (fresh squeezed)
2/3 C. frozen whole strawberries
1 banana, sliced
2 scoops vanilla nonfat frozen yogurt
1 C. ice

Prepare as above.
(Angel’s tip: Try freezing an extra cup of juice in an ice cube tray or small cups, and use instead of ice. Also, each recipe can be adjusted to taste - such as switch fruits or add more of one than another.)

Peach Pleasure

12 oz. peach nectar juice, such as Kern’s
1 C. peaches, sliced and frozen
1/2 banana, sliced and frozen
2 scoops orange sherbet
1 C. ice

Prepare as above, see Angel’s tip.

Cranberry Craze

1 1/2 C. cranberry juice
1/2 C. frozen whole strawberries
1/4 C. frozen blueberries
2 scoops raspberry sherbet
1 C. ice

Prepare as above, see Angel’s tip.

Get Up and Mango

8 oz. peach juice
2 scoops frozen yogurt
1 mango, sliced and frozen
1 peach, sliced and frozen
1 C. ice

Prepare as above, see Angel’s tip.

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