Thursday, June 28, 2012

Campfire Dinners and Banana Boats

Getting ready for summer camping and outdoor cooking? Here are two recipes to please the taste buds, and because each person can add the foods they like, everyone should be a happy camper.
Not going camping? These Campfire Dinners can be made right at home on a gas or charcoal grill, or even in the oven.

Campfire Dinner

– Inspired by the late Whitey Tout of Seneca

• Steak (thinly sliced, any cut will work)

• Diced vegetables such as: carrots, potatoes, mushrooms, onions, green, yellow and red peppers

• Sea Salt

• Pepper

• Garlic

• Butter

Instructions: Place steak on a piece of tin foil approximately 8x18 inches in size. If desired, rub Montreal Steak Seasoning on the meat. Take 1/4 cup each of your choice of diced vegetables add a pinch of sea salt, pepper and garlic. Add a tablespoon of butter and close it up tight by folding up the edges.

Cook on a grill over an open campfire. This can also be done on a gas grill, charcoal grill or in an oven.

Cook for approximately 10-15 minutes depending on how hot the camp fire is. The timing is the same for a gas grill on low with lid closed. To make in oven, place tin foil dinners on a cookie sheet at 400 degrees, or make in a casserole dish and cover with lid or foil.

If meat is not thinly sliced, cook longer until meat is done.

Campfire Banana Boats

– From Andrea Combs of Seneca

• 1 full banana including peeling

• Mixed chips such as chocolate, peanut butter, butterscotch, etc.

• Small marshmallows

Instructions: Split banana down the middle but not going through the base of the peel. Add your choice of chips and marshmallow to the inside of the banana.

Close up tight with tin foil and roast for approximately 10 minutes, until the candy and marshmallows are melted.

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