Monday, January 4, 2010

Thanksgiving Trimmings

Thanksgiving’s just around the corner. The thought of it conjures up all the wonderful traditions my husband’s family has developed over the years: the tablecloth is signed by everyone at the table, and later one of my sisters-in-law embroiders the signatures (each year a different color); Grandpa always says the prayer for the feast; and the next day we load up into trucks and SUVs to find the perfect Christmas trees.

One tradition is still boggling my mind - each sibling’s family is in charge of bringing one type of dish to the Thanksgiving feast.

Most years our family brings rolls - lots and lots because it seems you can never have enough - but this year I’ve been asked to bring a vegetable dish.

I didn’t want to make a boring green-bean casserole, so I’m considering a couple of cauliflower dishes.

Feel free to try talking me into a favorite veggie dish of yours. This will also be a good drop off spot for the rest of your Thanksgiving trimming ideas - all those side dishes to go with the turkey: a savory turkey dressing, jazzed up mashed potatoes and gravy, your mom’s best roll recipe or your good-to-the-last crumb pie and dessert recipes - does your aunt Carol make a mean yam dish with those marshmallows on top? Please also include your favorite recipes for the leftover turkey.

Whether you’re surrounded at the table by hoards of family and friends or just you and the cat and dog, I hope you’ll find many reasons to be grateful this Thanksgiving Day!

I look forward to hearing from you!

Twice-Baked Cauliflower

Cauliflower Crunch

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